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Quick guide to responding to Tasman Climate Response Strategy and Action Plan


Tasman District Council has prepared a draft Tasman Climate Response Strategy and Action Plan, which outlines the Council’s proposed response to climate change for the next 10 years and beyond.

During this public engagement round they want to hear your feedback on their draft document. See our previous submission post here.

We encourage as much engagement with this plan as you have time for – it’s part of our democratic participation in Climate Action, but if you are short of time, here’s a way you can respond in about 15 minutes. This is not a formal submission at this point. That will come later. This is an early feedback opportunity.

  1. Here’s the Plan: Draft Tasman Climate Response Strategy and Action Plan
  2. Go to page 7 for a summary of it in order to get an idea of what’s in it.
  3. Open this to write in your feedback. They’d like it by May 5th.
  4. Here are some of the key points made by the three Forum members who worked on a detailed response. Even if you comment on only one or two, that would be worthwhile feedback.
  • The targets should be stated in terms people can apply to their own lives and businesses eg how much do we have to reduce emissions each year to stay within 1.5degrees of heating?
  • We want to make it clear that we in Tasman are not just reducing emissions, we want to do our fair share of emissions reduction to contribute to the global effort to stay within limits.
  • We need action in all three of these energy areas: provision of alternative energy to reduce our vulnerability; reduction of energy demand; increase of energy efficiency.
  • More native
  • EV charging infrastructure in rural Tasman.
  • Accountability of fishing industry for carbon emissions.
  • We do not want a waste-to-energy facility.
  • To cut Transport emissions, we’d like to see School Travel Plans, Business Travel Plans, disincentives to driving in our main centres, minimum addition of new roads.
  • We’d like new buildings to be required to provide a estimated carbon footprint to enable council to judge whether they will fit into a regional carbon budget for construction.
  • We want Council to support just and equitable transition processes as we shift to a low carbon economy, leaving no one behind.
  • We’d like the Mayor and Council to communicate more clearly, realistically and frequently on aspects of the huge task we face in this transition.
  1. That’s it! You’ve done it! Thanks.

If you want to see the detailed feedback provided by three of our Forum members, write to Joanna at

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