The proposals in the bill are:
- Excluding the hierarchy of obligations within the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 from resource consent applications and resource consent decision-making processes
- Removing additional controls for coal mining consents, aligning consent pathways with those for other mineral extraction activities in or around wetlands and Significant Natural Areas (SNAs)
- Suspending requirements for councils to identify, and include in plans, new SNAs under the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB) 2023 for three years
- Extending the time for councils to identify new SNAs under the NPSIB until December 2030
- Removing low slope land requirements regulating the access of farm animals to water bodies
- Removing requirements relating to intensive winter grazing
- Expediting the creation or amendment of national direction under the RMA.
More info on this website here.
The Nature group of the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum has presented a submission available here.