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Submission – Aotearoa/NZ’s 2nd Emissions Reduction Plan


Our households, businesses, and economy are feeling the effects of a changing climate. We are seeing the impacts to lives and livelihoods from heavier rainfall and flooding during storm events in New Zealand, and the effect of drought on our productivity. That’s why we need to work together to reduce the impacts of climate change.

The Second Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP2) will be published at the end of this year. It will outline the actions that the Ministry for the Environment intend to take to reduce emissions in New Zealand during the second emissions budget period (2026 – 2030).

Read media critiques of the draft plan here,  here,  here, and here.

Read the Ministry’s discussion paper and the submission’s documents here.

The Forum has made a substantial submission that you can find HERE, with a summary HERE.

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