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Waimarama Community Garden – working bee

Waimarama Organic Community Garden Tantragee Road, The Brook, Nelson, New Zealand

Come and join in! Join the Waimarama Organic Community Garden for its weekly gardening session and the garden tour they are offering us to the occasion of the Climate Action Festival. All tools provided, just bring gloves if you want them. Morning tea around 11am. If you want more information about volunteering please contact Sally…

Talk to an Architect and make your project climate friendly

Online or Fineline Architecture Office 123c Bridge Street, Nelson, New Zealand

Taking on a new home build or renovation project is a significant journey to embark on - especially when you aspire to make it environmentally friendly! From selecting the ideal site and navigating the "greenwashing" of materials to determining the appropriate size and budget, having guidance from an expert can make all the difference. To…


WEBINAR – The impact of urban form on GHG emissions – and what that means for Nelson Tasman

Online (Zoom)

This Webinar, led by Timo Neubauer, from NelsonTasman2050, will give a brief overview of international research that proves the per-capita life-cycle emissions of low-density urban sprawl are up to 2.4 times higher than those of denser mixed-use urban form. He will also look into our Councils' current carbon accounting practices and how their planning activities…


Activating behaviour change for climate action in business

Tonkin + Taylor 51 Halifax Street, Nelson

Behaviour change may be at the heart of climate action in business, but it can be the hardest change to drive, right? This session, organised by Mission Zero, passes on the learnings of a host of experienced change activators who have 'been-there-done-that' to drive climate action in a business setting. Through a series of short…

Talk to an Architect and make your project climate friendly

Online or Fineline Architecture Office 123c Bridge Street, Nelson, New Zealand

Taking on a new home build or renovation project is a significant journey to embark on - especially when you aspire to make it environmentally friendly! From selecting the ideal site and navigating the "greenwashing" of materials to determining the appropriate size and budget, having guidance from an expert can make all the difference. To…


Grow Your Own Food – Organic Gardening & Garden Design Course for Beginners – Waimarama Community Organic Gardens

Waimarama Organic Community Garden Tantragee Road, The Brook, Nelson, New Zealand

A six week introduction to organic FOOD gardening & garden design
- raised bed garden method
- soil life & compost methods
- permaculture principles & thinking
- “pests & diseases”
- propagation including seed sowing & raising, cuttings
- crop rotation & companion planting

$72 – $90

WEBINAR – Plant Based Nutrition – improve both the quality of your nutrition and your impact on the planet


Learn how to eat better from a Registered Nutritionist whilst also reducing your food footprint. We give you practical and actionable advice that you can start doing immediately, rather than just making a vague commitment to 'eat less meat'.

You will create your own action plan starting with your easy wins, then slowly transitioning into more plant based swaps to make. You will also learn how proper nutrition works, and how to get enough protein and essential nutrients in.

NTS Nutrition is an online nutrition clinic based in Whakatu. We offer highly individualised nutrition and exercise coaching. Nutritionist for Tasman Mako and Crusaders Academy.


Climate Festival Celebration Party

Melrouse House 26 Brougham street, Nelson

Warm up with a hot drink, nibbles, and conversation as the Climate Action Festival nears its end. The Nelson Tasman Climate Forum is hosting an early evening get-together for our…


Introduction to Worm Farming

Waimarama Organic Community Garden Tantragee Road, The Brook, Nelson, New Zealand

Join us for an immersive experience at the Worm Farm Workshop organised by Nelson Community Compost. Hands on learning experience covering worm health and vitality, starting your own worm farm,…

Gold koin Koha

Empowering Soil 1.0 – Takaka – CANCELLED

Sustainable Living Center 24 Waitapu Road, Takaka, New Zealand

Empowering Soil 1.0 will equip participants with simple tools and strategies to care for and regenerate soil to bring abundance to your garden. Elliot Cleland will demonstrate natural farming techniques…


Systems and Change – Interactive workshop with Peter Lawless

Greenmeadows community centre Cnr Main Road and Songer Street, Stoke, Nelson, New Zealand

This interactive workshop will guide and empower us to make system change in the comple issues we face eg transport, inequality, democracy, resilient communities. Systems and Change will explore the…


Empowering Soil 1.0 – Nelson

Waimarama Organic Community Garden Tantragee Road, The Brook, Nelson, New Zealand

Empowering Soil 1.0 will equip participants with simple tools and strategies to care for and regenerate soil to bring abundance to your garden. Elliot Cleland will demonstrate natural farming techniques…


Waimarama Community Gardens Crop Swap

Waimarama Organic Community Garden Tantragee Road, The Brook, Nelson, New Zealand

Bring surplus crops and produce to share/swap 🙂 This event is subject to weather conditions. So please call Sally (number below) if the weather looks uncertain.


Planting working bee with Battle for the Banded Rail

Stringer Reserve

Battle for the Banded Rail's has a planting morning this Sunday 9th June from 9am - 1pm at Stringer Reserve. Stringer Reserve is 1.3km up Stringer Road off the Coastal Highway (inland from the estuary). Please park carefully on the roadside. Bring gloves, a spade if you have one and drinking water.  Wear solid footwear and clothes…

Event Series Motueka Repair Cafe

Motueka Repair Cafe

Motueka Library 32 Wallace street, Motueka

Save the date, and come along to the second Motueka Repair Cafe, at 10am at the Motueka Library (Te Noninga Kumu), and have a cuppa while you learn how to…


Touching the Earth – June Solstice Retreat

Touching the Earth – 16th-23rd June Solstice Retreat All the mytho-poets say the same thing – we must leave the village, enter the forest and return with the gift. Touching…

Energy, transport and climate: discussions we’re not having – Talk by Lindsay Wood

Greenmeadows community centre Cnr Main Road and Songer Street, Stoke, Nelson, New Zealand

Energy, transport and climate: discussions we're not having', will be joining the dots between deep ocean circulation and Nelson traffic and the nonsense of trying to build our way out of congestion. Lindsay Wood runs climate strategy company Resilienz Ltd. and "specialises in being a generalist" as he engages with climate initiatives across a wide…


Rythm of the Earth – A Solstice Celebration

the Boathouse Wakefield quai, 326, Nelson

This will be a rythm-filled evening with Waiata, tap dance, West African percussion with dancers, spoken poetry, African harp, games and more. Special for kids - a 15-minute guided Percussion…


Take the Jump Ambassador Training


Are you concerned about climate change, but not sure how you can help to make a difference? Do you want to play a positive, active role in climate change solutions?…

Mohua Repair Cafe

Mohua Social services community hall 88 Commercial Street, Takaka

Webinar – Workplace Solutions To The Climate Challenge


Join us for this webinar, where Des Casey will share insights from his new book "Nature's Future Our Future". People from a broad variety of occupations,  including teaching, healthcare, office…


Takeaways from the Environmental Defence Society Conference


Nature and Climate Group convener Fiona Ede will present a Nelson-Tasman perspective of this year's high-profile EDS Conference, held in Christchurch in June. The recent Environmental Defence Society conference, "The Future is…

Nelson Repair Cafe

Elma Turner Library 27 Halifax Street, Nelson, New Zealand

A monthly event helping you to repair your household items, save resources and build community – brought to you by the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum.. Come and visit us in…


Insights from Psychology for Climate Change Communications


International Climate and Resilience webinar series Speaker: Wändi Bruine de Bruin, University of Southern California Abstract: Climate change poses a serious threat to people around the world. Organizations such as the Intergovernmental…

Nelson Seed Library SPRING event

Elma Turner Library 27 Halifax Street, Nelson, New Zealand

Celebrating the return our our new seed stock. Vegetables, flowers, fruits, herbs and even some shrubs & trees. Come and check out what experienced and beginner gardeners have achieved in…

Horticultural waste composting workshop

This event is open to everyone, not just horticultural people.  But more appropriate for people interested in large scale composting or wanting to learn about it. The speaker is David…


Nelson Repair Cafe

Elma Turner Library 27 Halifax Street, Nelson, New Zealand

A monthly event helping you to repair your household items, save resources and build community – brought to you by the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum.. Come and visit us in…


Step Out Festival

Join this annual month-long festival of active events that takes place throughout October in the Tasman District. These activities are put together by groups, clubs and individuals all over the…

I am Climate Hope – Nelson

Mahitahi Colab

Join Mike King and guest speaker in your local community to discuss the important issues of mental health and climate change. Come along, help create positive change and say hi…

My Love Affaire With Nature

the Boathouse Wakefield quai, 326, Nelson

You loved Awestruck by Nature and Messages from the Matriarchs, now you will be deeply moved by six great communicators telling their stories of wildlife encounters, epic journeys, and personal…


2024 Aotearoa Repair Summit


To celebrate InternationalRepairDay, the RepairNetworkAotearoa and the RighttoRepairCoalitionAotearoa will be offering the 2024 Aotearoa Repair Summit on Thursday 17 October- A FREE Online event 11PM - 12PM- this year hosted by their partner WasteMINZ. With representatives…

Green Drinks

Two Thumbs Brewery. 32c New Street, Nelson

Green Drinks will be happening next Thursday 17th from 5.30pm -6.30pm at Two Thumbs Brewery. It has been so great to the community come together, a huge range of people…

WEBINAR – A Clean Energy Future is Possible


A Clean Energy Future is Possible: A Virtual Fireside Chat with Jace Hobbs and John Michaelis The climate crisis is upon us. Temperature records are being set every month, yet our…

Motueka Repair Cafe

Motueka Library 32 Wallace street, Motueka

More info on the facebook page of the Motueka Repair Cafe.

Nelson Repair Cafe

Habitat Hub (Buzz Room - behind ReStore) 166 Tahunanui Drive, Tahunanui - Nelson, New Zealand

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