Envision a Nelson Tasman region where all recognize the urgent need to address climate change through individual and collective actions, and where all work together to enhance the resilience of our biodiversity and ecosystems in a rapidly changing climate.
“We have entered a period unseen before in human history that requires all hands and all hearts on deck. Whether you’re a climate activist, a scientist, a parent, an outdoor enthusiast, or someone who simply doesn’t know where to begin, this course will help you respond to the current crisis …
Didn't get the result you wanted? Come along and take it out on invasive plants on the banks of the Wai-iti River, next to Barton Lane (between Brightwater and Wakefield) on Sunday 15th October (9am - 12pm).
Ami Kennedy from The Germinate Collective will be facilitating a Grow Your Own Food Course starting 19th of October. This 6 week course for beginner gardeners or those that would like a little focus and encouragement to invigorate their gardening is held on Thursdays 10:30am-12pm at Waimarama Community Gardens.
Organic Gardening & Garden Design Course for Beginners
A six week introduction to organic FOOD gardening & garden design
Join The Germinate Collective gardeners to share in the life long learning journey.
Come and be part of a Repair Movement!
A FREE monthly event helping you to repair your items, save resources and build community. Come along, and you might pick up some new fixing skills!
Tord Kjellstrom and his team will be showing a movie called 'Too Hot to Work'. A new global investigation on the impacts of climate change on worker's health and productivity, titled "Trop chaud pour travailler" (Too Hot To Work), was shot in Italy, France, Qatar, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Nepal, …
Nelson Tasman is full of fantastic people working to save our planet and you deserve some appreciation! We want to take a moment to celebrate your tireless efforts with an evening of dancing and community, with tunes provided by Rich and the Poor Boys. If you plant, pick litter, advocate, …
Join Wayne Murphy as he moderates a panel discussion on how climate change is impacting local government, and discover what actions councils are taking to combat it. Our panel includes Allen + Clarke consultants Jess Anderson and Sean Stack, who will be joined by one of our external partners, Dr …
Save the date, and come along to the launch of the Motueka Repair Cafe, at 10am at the Motueka Library (Te Noninga Kumu), and have a cuppa while you learn how to repair your stuff. We've assembled a team to deal with repairs to clothes, cushions, kitchen appliances, small furnishings, …
The annual gathering of Environment Hubs Aotearoa, Community Energy Network and Zero Waste Network members and friends, hosted by Aukaha. The hui theme this year is ‘Catalyst for Collective Action’. More info and registration here
Come and be part of a Repair Movement!
A FREE monthly event helping you to repair your items, save resources and build community. Come along, and you might pick up some new fixing skills!
The folks from Our Climate Declaration are hosting a webinar with Joseph J. Merz is the Co-founder of a number of organisations. He is the Founder and Chairman of the Merz Institute - a research institute largely focused on addressing ecological overshoot at a behavioural level. Joseph serves on the Executive Committee of the …
“Take the Jump” is a global behaviour change movement that is positive, engaging and aims to reach people who are concerned about climate change but uncertain what they can do. The movement grew out of a C40 cities study (The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5oC World), and …
Register for our soon to be face to face annual gathering. We're planning a day of sharing, learning and reflecting on our work, especially following the election results in Stoke on December 9. The day will be divided into 3 parts: - Deepening our knowledge of the Tiriti of Waitangi …
Take the Jump – Kia Māia te Peke Webinar (Part 2) – 20th December at 7.30pm On 6th December, a webinar on Take the Jump was hosted by Our Climate Declaration, featuring Tom Bailey, who leads the Take the Jump global team, and Chris Wheatley who is coordinating the …
Organic Gardening & Garden Design Course for Beginners
A six week introduction to organic FOOD gardening & garden design
Waimarama Organic Community Garden
February 15th, 29th, March 7th, April 4th, 11th & 18th. Thursday 10 – 11:30am
Contact Ami info@germinatecollective.org.nz or 027 35 77998 …
Save the date, and come along to the second Motueka Repair Cafe, at 10am at the Motueka Library (Te Noninga Kumu), and have a cuppa while you learn how to repair your stuff. We’ve assembled a team to deal with repairs to clothes, cushions, kitchen appliances, small furnishings, toys and …
Are you concerned about climate change, but not sure how you can help to make a difference? Do you want to play a positive, active role in climate change solutions? Get to know more about the how the global Take the Jump movement is developing in Aotearoa and help to …
23 February 2024 @ 10:00 am - 24 February 2024 @ 1:00 pm
Save the date and come celebrate the Forum's 4th anniversary with us! (For info, a bit of our history can be found here) We plan to meet at the Isel Market in Stoke at the end of the day, to enjoy what we hope will be a beautiful end of …
Snuggled into the hills of Tahuna is the peaceful valley of Maire Stream. Along one sides, lower bank are the native planting done 2020 and further along is the Wee Food Forest started 2021. These areas need weeding of blackberry, oldmans beard vine, climbing doc and some gorse so the …
Save the date, and come along to the second Motueka Repair Cafe, at 10am at the Motueka Library (Te Noninga Kumu), and have a cuppa while you learn how to repair your stuff. We’ve assembled a team to deal with repairs to clothes, cushions, kitchen appliances, small furnishings, toys and …
Save the date, and come along to the second Motueka Repair Cafe, at 10am at the Motueka Library (Te Noninga Kumu), and have a cuppa while you learn how to repair your stuff. We’ve assembled a team to deal with repairs to clothes, cushions, kitchen appliances, small furnishings, toys and …
Join us at Greenmeadows Centre in the Tui Room on March 21st at 6 pm for a special screening of Together We Grow in celebration of Unity Week 2024. Doors open at 5pm. Bring your friends, whanau, neighbours and loved ones to discover the incredible community-led work happening across the …
A monthly event helping you to repair your household items, save resources and build community – brought to you by the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum, held at the Habitat Hub (Restore), 166 Tahunanui Drive. You will be able to bring items for smaller repairs – examples include: – Electrical items …
This webinar will challenge the mainstream response to the climate crisis and outline a radically different approach. Sahra Kress has a long term interest in complexity theory and how everything fits together. She divides her time between a career as a midwife in the Kapiti coast and re-localization, restoration …
Ted Trainer Ph.D is a retired Australian academic best know for his development of The Simpler Way, an alternative lifestyle that embodies deep sustainability and degrowth principles. He has written several books and numerous articles on these topics, and developed an educational site at his home near Sydney, …
Meet at the Trafalgar Centre carpark and march down Rutherford, Hardy and Trafalgar Street to gather at Trafalgar and Halifax Intersection. More info here: https://www.facebook.com/schoolstrike4climatenz
The Positive Ageing Expo showcases the recreational, health and social services available in Nelson-Tasman to make ageing a positive experience. The Positive Ageing Expo has been running since 2008 and attracts about 2,000 people each year. The purpose of the Expo is to bring people together, find ways to …
A documentary about transitioning to a sustainable economic system. "Change the system, not the climate" is a common demand in the climate movement. But what kind of system do we actually want? In the midst of humanity's worst crisis, the pioneers stand ready. We thank The Gecko to have programmed …
A monthly event helping you to repair your household items, save resources and build community – brought to you by the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum, held at the Habitat Hub (Restore), 166 Tahunanui Drive. You will be able to bring items for smaller repairs – examples include: – Electrical items …
Anahata Yoga Retreat is delighted to welcome Inna Alex who will be hosting the Active Hope – Deep Ecology & Yoga Retreat gathering at our Golden Bay Retreat. Kindly note that the teachings included in this gathering may not reflect Anahata’s tradition and philosophy. Join us for an extraordinary, heart-felt …
The inspiring story of British farmers standing up against the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food - to heal the soil, benefit our health and provide for local communities. Find the projection times in Motueka, Nelson and Takaka (from the 2nd till the 19th of May) …
Mark your calendars! The long awaited launch of Textile ResQ Collective 4th May 9:30-3:00 - Hospice Op Shop on Saxton! May the Fourth Be With You! More info on this Facebook page.
Composting at home is an easy and environmentally friendly way to manage food scraps and garden waste while also saving money on waste disposal fees. Whether you’re just getting started, or need a little help troubleshooting, there’s something for you in these workshops. Plus, there are giveaways and prizes to …
A monthly event helping you to repair your household items, save resources and build community – brought to you by the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum.. Come and visit us in the Buzz Room, behind Restore. You will be able to bring items for smaller repairs – examples include:– Electrical items …
Hollywood comes to the party in this star-studded, fact-filled documentary about how we produce food. Common Ground examines how our food system has impacted the state of soil in the United States and around the world. Screened at The Suter Art Gallery, the film will be followed by a “Back …
Join the community compost during Climate Action Festival and, if you want, every Saturday morning. Indeed, it is a ongoing working session, which takes place throughout the year. No prior registration required. The compost club is located at the Waimarama Community Gardens (Tantragree Rd, The Brook). if you've got any …
Empowering Soil 1.0 will equip participants with simple tools and strategies to care for and regenerate soil to bring abundance to your garden. Elliot Cleland will demonstrate natural farming techniques for making your own mineral and biological inputs and then try out some different planting strategies to accelerate the …
An event looking at how we can reduce the tonnes of clothing going to landfill. This is a "follow on" from The Clothing Revolution put on by the Waimea Soroptimist club last year. This year it is aimed at school students from year 7 up challenging them how to reuse, …