This is the last repair cafe for the year. Don't miss your opportunity to turn your trash back into treasure with our crack team of repair afficionados. Don't chuck it out......sort it out!
Street Mending - Positive Climate Action EventJoin the street mending event, sit & mend together on Trafalgar Street meeting at Bank Lane. Encouragement to enter into a contract with the things you purchase, look after & care for them and extend their useful life as long as possible. We are …
In 2020, TDC asked us to share our views and experiences on the District’s environmental and development issues and opportunities. As a result of this first inquiry, they now have some draft options to consider around how we grow as a District, how our places look and feel, and how …
Join Green Party Co-Leader James Shaw for this free talk which explores the issue of how we can bolster our communities to deal with and live with the effects of climate change.
Our Hui are important moments in the life of the Forum. We invite you to join us for this special Hui, which will be held face-to-face this time. In addition to the opportunity to meet face to face and strengthen our ties after the difficult period we have been through, …
Join for a six week introduction to organic gardening & garden design including the following: Permaculture principles & thinking Soil life & compost methods “Pests & diseases” Raised bed garden method Propagation including seed sowing & raising, cuttings Crop rotation & companion planting Ami Kennedy has a wide range of …
"Thanks to the collaboration between Pablo (La Planta Café) and Dave (NakedEye Digital Vision) we are pleased to announce that we will have a single screening of Amy Taylors impactful New Zealand made documentary film MILKED. The film will screen in Nelson for one night only on Saturday the 11th …
Ready to act for te taiao, the environment? Te Kuru Tao is the sharp end of a spear, representing young agile minds. We are calling forth all young agile minds to join us as this youth climate hackathon to explore solutions to some of the toughest climate challenges that the …
"Why mindsets and narratives matter when we have the opportunity to make change" We are in a time when transforming the ways we live, work, play, move, earn and learn has enormous potential for the wellbeing of people and the planet. We can make changes that will make a big …
Join us for an online film screening and panel discussion showcasing Indigenous resistance in the Sacred Headwaters, known as the Klabona, northwest British Columbia. The Klabona Keepers ( is an intimate portrait of the inspiring Indigenous families that succeeded in protecting their lands and waters from industrial activities. Spanning …
Once You Know is a story about personal and collective resilience in the face of energy depletion, climate change, and other systemics risks. Register for the film and join a very special live discussion with Michelle Medeiros, part of Greenpeace International management team and Susanne Moser, protagonist of the film …
NMIT is offering a new horticulture programme aims to offer practical gardening techniques to help feed whānau, save money and create a community of like-minded people. More information here: Application close on the 15th of April.
The Plan: A bed enclosed by bamboo in a parking space as an invitation to sit and talk about Nelson's future John-Paul Pochin, initiator of the project, explains: -, 021 623 207 "This started as an idea several years ago. I bought a hospital bed and it's …
The Local Matters Group is delighted to welcome Dr. Mike Joy back to the Tasman District for a presentation at Māpua Hall on the 17th of April. This presentation will outline the transformational change we need to make in order to stop overshooting our ecological limits. An increasing number of …
"The return of Gaia is an interactive storytelling event. Is a mix of a photography exhibition and a storytelling performance. We will show a series of artworks by underwater photographer Jose G. Cano. The images are printed in big format, (1500mm by 3000mm) to recreate the feeling of the Renaissance …
An interactive art installation in the form of a quirky laboratory incorporating research and functional experiments building on projects from the past and new works combined into a space that will provide a focal point. An opportunity to incorporate work, ideas and cultural perspectives from the wider community and for …
A 4-day immersion into the Work That Reconnects supported by yogic practice and a stunning natural environment.Facilitated by Inna Alex and Swami Karma Karuna.Residential, fully-catered retreat.Find out more:
Event is free but registration is required, following this link: REGISTRATION We also want to encourage you to share your trips. For that, do not hesitate to register your offer or your request on the carpooling site here.
AUTUMN SEED HARVEST - Taking action for food resiliency Bring : your well labeled seeds for processing. There are plenty to share if you do not have your own seeds. For UNKNOWN Seeds, write as much information as you can e.g. family, variety, growing habit, taste,... Simple food to share for …
From October to March Marybank garden club members visit members' gardens and other gardens prior to meeting. This is a wonderful place to share and learn from other gardeners. Ami Kennedy, from the Nelson Seed Library, will be speaking at one of their next meeting, on the 2nd of May.
Attention please!! Rally for Travel Justice date change! Because of the bad weather forecast we have changed the date of the Rally for Travel Justice to Sunday May 28th (from May 7th). We look forward to seeing you then, 1 pm, at Millers Acre car park and later at the …
This new group of the Forum will have its inaugural meeting on May 9th, 5-7pm. It will be both in person and online. To attend in person, go to the Quaker Meeting house, 30 Nile St., Nelson. To attend online, go to Meeting ID : …
Hawkes Bay Sheep and Beef farmer, Greg Hart, will outline his transition from traditional sheep and cattle farming to a more economic and biologically resilient farm. Greg grew up on a family farm near Methven, Mid-Canterbury. After gaining a Bachelor of Agriculture from Massey University and working in the agriculture …
Come and join our younger generation during this Strike. "Whakatū, Nelson - Join us! We will meet in 1903 Square at 1.30pm, for an hour of speeches and music from local youth bands, before marching down Trafalgar Street to Nelson City Council buildings at 2.30pm This strike is …
AWARD CRITERIA FOR THE FOOD COMPETITION - GUIDELINES FOR THE FASHION SHOW See other Climate Action Week events HERE or on the Event section of the website.
Come and be part of a Repair Movement! A FREE monthly event helping you to repair your items, save resources and build community. For the months of April & May at Victory Community Center brought to you by the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum. We're fixing items and building community. Come …
The Plan: A bed enclosed by bamboo in a parking space as an invitation to sit and talk about Nelson’s future John-Paul Pochin, initiator of the project, explains: “This started as an idea several years ago. I bought a hospital bed and it’s been sitting taking up space ever since …
Join us for the world premiere of a new documentary filmed by Happen Film right here in Whakatū Nelson! Please register following the link below Ben & bEartha: A Community's Compost Love Story showcases the incredible mahi of Ben Bushell and the team of volunteers at Whakatū Nelson's Community Compost …
Battle for the Banded Rail is a project working with local communities to increase the number of banded rail and other estuarine birds on the margins of the Waimea Inlet by restoring habitat and trapping predators. Their first planting on 28th May at Estuary Place in Richmond coincides with Climate …
Are you disgruntled, dismayed or downright disgusted that, despite all our knowledge about global warming and the distressing evidence it presents before our eyes, cars still rule the roost in Nelson? Empty cars are still given the kerbside space that cyclists could better use; and every one of them could …
Come and help the Maire Stream Guardians/Nurtururs during their next working bee. The Maire Stream project is about Earths nature. Flora and Fauna. Being good ancestors for future generations. It is about a monitoring, but also restoration project of a stream which though it does have Kokopu fish and eels, …
New Zealand can deliver on a 1.5ºC future To achieve this, transportation in New Zealand must be largely decarbonised by 2030. Our current transport system no longer meets our needs. By 2030 our transport system will be safe, healthy, accessible to all, resilient and decarbonised. Join us during this …
A chance for locals to visit businesses in Golden Bay who are on the sustainable business journey. We’ll see their initiatives in action, and hear their stories. Join the Mohua 2042 Trsut for this full day of visits. A bus will drive us throughout the day to the different places. …
We would like to highlight, during this Climate Action Week, the regular presence of Stitch-it-don't-ditch-it Whakatū Nelson in our community. Stitch-it-don't-ditch-it Whakatū Nelson is part of the larger movement of Street Stiching, which is "an act of gentle disruption that demonstrates the pleasure and necessity of garment repair in areas …
Join the Waimarama Organic Community Garden for its weekly gardening session and the garden tour they are offering us to the occasion of the Climate Action Week. Bring: weather suitable clothes, sturdy footwear, insect repellent and a drink bottle Contact call or txt 027 3577998 More information on the ongoing …
Have you been thinking about buying an e-bike or are you curious about trying one? Would you like to explore options in a no-pressure atmosphere with a diversity of choices present? If so, come along to the Nelson E-bike Expo on Wednesday 31st of May 10 am – 2 pm at …
Join the Forum as we view a talk by Josephine Grey, a long-time advocate and community organizer for healthy food security, human rights, climate action and basic income in Canada. In the talk, Josephine walks us through the UN Human Rights Framework and how it can be used to advocate …
Come and turn rags into bags. Bring old t-shirts, pillow cases or that stash of fabric you don't know what to do with and turn them into vege bags, handbags even. Sewing machines etc provided.
If you are concerned about climate change but don't know what you can do to make a difference, then this webinar is for you! Sign up and come along to this Climate Action Week online event to find out more about "Take the Jump", a campaign that focuses on the …
Join the working bee crew at the Motueka Community Garden. You'll be welcomed by Helen, who will give a quick tour of the garden for newcomers, before getting to work on some gardening tasks. An opportunity to learn about this garden and join the team working there! More info on …
A dedicated volunteer team has made the Victory Community Garden a beautiful and productive space. At the occasion of Climate Action Week, Nadia, Community Kai Coordinator, is organising a Garden Tour to take place on Monday afternoon from 1.30pm to 2.30pm. The tour will be followed by the …