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Weed Eating – the nourishing kind

We will look at the 10 most common edible weeds, learning about their nutrition, growing habit, properties and how to use them in your kitchen. A few tasters will be available for sampling. Notes will be supplied. …
$10 – $25

3rd Anniversary of Nelson’s First Miyawaki Microforest

Celebrate and learn about Nelson’s first Miyawaki Microforest on its 3rd birthday. After three years, a microforest should be left alone to grow by itself, according to Akira Miyawaki. Colin Davis, co-initiator of this project, will take participants for a walk around the forest presenting its unique use of biochar …

Battle for the Banded Rail – Community planting day

  Battle for the Banded Rail is a project working with local communities to increase the number of banded rail and other estuarine birds on the margins of the Waimea Inlet by restoring habitat and trapping predators. This is the first of a series of planting day. See the full …

Learn how to make compost!

Join us for an interactive hands-on workshop where you'll learn how to plan, build, and maintain a compost heap.  Organic nursery operator Rex Hunt will demonstrate how you can make your own compost in a short period of time. He takes a science-based approach and will explain the difference …

Seed Saving For Local Food Resilience

Join Sol Morgan, from the Golden Bay Sustainable Living Center and the local GB Seed Saver group, who will explain the art of saving seeds, combining theory and practice. Saving seeds is fundamental for local food resilience. This supports growing food locally, which also reduces transport costs, but is also …

Cargo Bike Get together

Calling all cargo bikers, and anybody curious about cargo bikes. Join us for a short social ride and BBQ Picnic. From 1:30 pm gather at River Kitchen (81 Trafalgar St., Nelson) 2pm - Leisurely ride together along the Maitai and onto St. Vincent St. 2:30 or so, finishing at …

Bike Repair Workshop for Beginners

Bring your bike along and join Greg McIntyre, bike enthusiast and Bike Hub mechanic, to learn how to do basic and straightforward repair and maintenance on the ABC's - air, brakes, and chain - of your trusty wheels. The workshop is free with koha donations for the Nelson Bike Hub …
- Event Series

Talk to an Architect and make your project climate friendly

Taking on a new home build or renovation project is a significant journey to embark on - especially when you aspire to make it environmentally friendly! From selecting the ideal site and navigating the "greenwashing" of materials to determining the appropriate size and budget, having guidance from an expert can …

Victory Community Working Bee and Afternoon Tea in the Mārakai

Join the team in the Victory Community Garden for a working bee and afternoon tea to celebrate the Climate Action Festival. Come along to hear about our newly developed vision for the garden that supports people to garden together. See our community compost system in use or help tend our …

Bike-to-Work Breakfast

Bike to work or school and be rewarded! If you cycle to work or school on Tuesday 28 May you can call in to grab a free breakfast between 7am and 9am. There will be coffee and a delicious breakfast which you can have with us or takeaway as fuel …
- Event Series

Talk to an Architect and make your project climate friendly

Taking on a new home build or renovation project is a significant journey to embark on - especially when you aspire to make it environmentally friendly! From selecting the ideal site and navigating the "greenwashing" of materials to determining the appropriate size and budget, having guidance from an expert can …

Sustainable Farm Tour

A tour of farms in Golden Bay that showcase some of the great initiatives that are happening to make farms more sustainable. See regenerative approaches in action including soil care using Albrecht method, permaculture design on farm, mixed animal farming and alternative energy projects. There are many good examples of …

Cut your Power Costs: Budget-Friendy Energy tips

Discover simple yet effective ways to reduce your energy bill and get practical tips on servicing your appliances. Snacks and tea will be provided. No need to register. This event is part of Climate Action Festival. See the full program here. …

Garden Potions for Thriving Soil

  Learn to make plant potions in this family and teacher-friendly workshop by Garden to Table, a food curriculum program for schools to engage in growing, harvesting, preparing, and sharing kai. We'll talk about soil microorganisms and learn how the soil food web plays a role in Carbon sequestration. We'll …

Compost Club Get Together – Washing up party

Compost Club is our fun and social space where we expertly craft living compost together and wash the buckets from the food waste collection service. Our team and volunteers gather to connect, learn and share our collective knowledge at "The Yard" behind Tim's Garden, Nelson Whakatū. …
28 May 2024 @ 5:30 pm - 2 July 2024 @ 7:00 pm

Grow Your Own Food – Organic Gardening & Garden Design Course for Beginners

A six week introduction to organic FOOD gardening & garden design. - raised bed garden method - soil life & compost methods - permaculture principles & thinking - “pests & diseases” - propagation including seed sowing & raising, cuttings - crop rotation & companion planting Build your knowledge & confidence …
$72 – $90

Once You Know – Film screening

Join us for this screening of Once You Know, a cinematic journey with Emmanuel Cappellin on his earnest and visually stunning quest to learn how mankind must adapt for a sustainable future. Winner of multiple awards, this film has been chosen to launch Motueka’s new film and discussion club. Places …

Waimarama Community Garden – working bee

Come and join in! Join the Waimarama Organic Community Garden for its weekly gardening session and the garden tour they are offering us to the occasion of the Climate Action Festival. All tools provided, just bring gloves if you want them. Morning tea around 11am. If you want more information …
- Event Series

Talk to an Architect and make your project climate friendly

Taking on a new home build or renovation project is a significant journey to embark on - especially when you aspire to make it environmentally friendly! From selecting the ideal site and navigating the "greenwashing" of materials to determining the appropriate size and budget, having guidance from an expert can …

Activating behaviour change for climate action in business

Behaviour change may be at the heart of climate action in business, but it can be the hardest change to drive, right? This session, organised by Mission Zero, passes on the learnings of a host of experienced change activators who have 'been-there-done-that' to drive climate action in a business setting. …
- Event Series

Talk to an Architect and make your project climate friendly

Taking on a new home build or renovation project is a significant journey to embark on - especially when you aspire to make it environmentally friendly! From selecting the ideal site and navigating the "greenwashing" of materials to determining the appropriate size and budget, having guidance from an expert can …

Closing the Loop: Understanding and Implementing a Circular Economy

Come and learn about a circular economy. Bluemoth will be running an interactive workshop to help you better understand what a circular economy means for both individuals and businesses. This workshop is organised by Lucy Byrne, from Bluemoth. Please follow the link here to register: Closing the Loop: Understanding and Implementing a Circular Economy …
- Event Series

Talk to an Architect and make your project climate friendly

Taking on a new home build or renovation project is a significant journey to embark on - especially when you aspire to make it environmentally friendly! From selecting the ideal site and navigating the "greenwashing" of materials to determining the appropriate size and budget, having guidance from an expert can …

Climate Festival Celebration Party

Warm up with a hot drink, nibbles, and conversation as the Climate Action Festival nears its end. The Nelson Tasman Climate Forum is hosting an early evening get-together for our event hosts and members of the public interested in learning more about climate action in our region. Please register here …

Introduction to Worm Farming

Join us for an immersive experience at the Worm Farm Workshop organised by Nelson Community Compost. Hands on learning experience covering worm health and vitality, starting your own worm farm, feeding your worms, growing the worm population, and how to use the products of worm castings and to fertilise your …
Gold koin Koha
- Event Series

Nelson Compost Club working bees – The Brook

Join the community compost during Climate Action Festival and, if you want, every Saturday morning. Indeed, it is a ongoing working session, which takes place throughout the year. No prior registration required. The compost club is located at the Waimarama Community Gardens (Tantragree Rd, The Brook). if you've got any …

Empowering Soil 1.0 – Takaka – CANCELLED

Empowering Soil 1.0 will equip participants with simple tools and strategies to care for and regenerate soil to bring abundance to your garden. Elliot Cleland will demonstrate natural farming techniques for making your own mineral and biological inputs and then try out some different planting strategies to accelerate the …

Let’s Reconnect to Nature through a Forest bathing experience

Experience the therapeutic and uplifting effects of time in a forest. We’ll walk-about. Sit. Listen. Taste. Touch. Share. All this in the peaceful natural area of upper Maire Stream (43 Highview Drive, Wakatu, Nelson 7011). Led by Maire Stream Guardian Anne Dickinson. Research from the Japanese way of forest bathing, …

Systems and Change – Interactive workshop with Peter Lawless

This interactive workshop will guide and empower us to make system change in the comple issues we face eg transport, inequality, democracy, resilient communities. Systems and Change will explore the relationship of the individual to the system and how to create collaborative and collegial relationships. It will provide a tool …

Empowering Soil 1.0 – Nelson

Empowering Soil 1.0 will equip participants with simple tools and strategies to care for and regenerate soil to bring abundance to your garden. Elliot Cleland will demonstrate natural farming techniques for making your own mineral and biological inputs and then try out some different planting strategies to accelerate the …

Waimarama Community Gardens Crop Swap

Bring surplus crops and produce to share/swap 🙂 This event is subject to weather conditions. So please call Sally (number below) if the weather looks uncertain. …

Planting working bee with Battle for the Banded Rail

Battle for the Banded Rail's has a planting morning this Sunday 9th June from 9am - 1pm at Stringer Reserve. Stringer Reserve is 1.3km up Stringer Road off the Coastal Highway (inland from the estuary). Please park carefully on the roadside. Bring gloves, a spade if you have one and drinking …
- Event Series

Motueka Repair Cafe

Save the date, and come along to the second Motueka Repair Cafe, at 10am at the Motueka Library (Te Noninga Kumu), and have a cuppa while you learn how to repair your stuff. We’ve assembled a team to deal with repairs to clothes, cushions, kitchen appliances, small furnishings, toys and …
16 June 2024 - 23 June 2024

Touching the Earth – June Solstice Retreat

Touching the Earth – 16th-23rd June Solstice Retreat All the mytho-poets say the same thing – we must leave the village, enter the forest and return with the gift. Touching the Earth is a guided journey into human wholeness inspired by the work of Bill Plotkin and Joanna Macy. This …

Rythm of the Earth – A Solstice Celebration

This will be a rythm-filled evening with Waiata, tap dance, West African percussion with dancers, spoken poetry, African harp, games and more. Special for kids - a 15-minute guided Percussion Experience. Event is free, but please register here: Rhythm of the Earth, a Solstice Celebration - Nelson - Eventfinda …
21 June 2024 @ 7:30 pm - 18 September 2024 @ 9:00 pm

Take the Jump Ambassador Training

Are you concerned about climate change, but not sure how you can help to make a difference? Do you want to play a positive, active role in climate change solutions? Get to know more about the how the global Take the Jump movement is developing in Aotearoa and help to …

Webinar – Workplace Solutions To The Climate Challenge

Join us for this webinar, where Des Casey will share insights from his new book "Nature's Future Our Future". People from a broad variety of occupations,  including teaching, healthcare, office work and sports, can impact our natural environment through their day-to-day work. "Nature faces a crossroads. What will we, ourselves …

Takeaways from the Environmental Defence Society Conference

Nature and Climate Group convener Fiona Ede will present a Nelson-Tasman perspective of this year's high-profile EDS Conference, held in Christchurch in June. The recent Environmental Defence Society conference, "The Future is Now" brought together resource managers, conservationists, politicians, rangitahi, iwi, researchers, policy makers and others, to address the twin crises of …

Nelson Repair Cafe

A monthly event helping you to repair your household items, save resources and build community – brought to you by the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum.. Come and visit us in the Buzz Room, behind Restore. You will be able to bring items for smaller repairs – examples include:– Electrical items …

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