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February 25 @ 7:00 am - April 15 @ 8:30 am

Facing the future – Online class

Are you concerned about our planetary predicament?  Are you concerned about our resilience as we face mounting risks of disruption?  Are you interested in how we might navigate a course toward a viable future?  If your answer is yes, then this course is for you.  On …

Maire Stream Guardians/Nurturers monthly Working Bee

Raising the Mauri (life force) of upper Maire Stream Come volunteer, raising the Mauri of Maire Stream for a Kowhai seed planting and the monthly Weeding Bee. Wear sturdy footwear, long sleeves, sun hat and gloves. Bring small sharp spade, secateurs, lobbers and garden fork if you have them. Meet …

Jonathan Boston – Trust, Science and Climate Change

Trust, Science and Climate Change Climate scientists tell us that we’re heading for a world so warm that our grandchildren’s lives will be miserable. Industry tells us to keep consuming fossil fuels or even constructs misinformation to ensure that we’ll do so. People elect politicians that assign low priority to …

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